Update 25 April 2016
We finalised the tank rivet patterns for the 6 different model types at the end of last week. Tomorrow Tuesday (26th April) I am travelling out to Korea to finalise the build of all the 6 models. We still have to go over some of the chassis detail on Types 1 and 2, which have completely different brake gear and pull rods than the other later versions as we are determined to get all these details as correct as is possible. The inclusion of the 6th variant, basically a Type 3 extended rear buffer beam with a curved drop plate over the front of the cylinders, makes another interesting model for either the GWR or BR Western region periods. Production will commence next week although the manufacture of components has already been in progress for many weeks.
Reservations continue to flow in every week with Types 1, 4 and 5 (4575) being in high demand. If you want an early type (Types 1 and 2), do please get your reservation in during the next few weeks otherwise you may miss out on these versions, as there are not many slots left.
70XX Castle
As already reported, work on this model continues at a rapid pace, and the builder is now well down the path of manufacturing all the key components. We have also ordered the new motors and work is underway on the revised gearbox design. I plan to go over all the design changes in great detail with the builders so that they are fully incorporated in the finished model.
On the sales side demand continues to be strong with many customers continuing to opt for the Scale 7 version. In general Scale 7 demand has been very much higher than for previous Masterpiece Models’ locomotives.
GWR Tender Locomotives
Sales of all of these locomotive types have been brisk, especially for the 47XX and 28XX 2-8-0 locomotives. I am taking over all the detailed changes to be incorporated in the locomotive drawings for all types. We will be discussing all the changes in detail with the builders to ensure that they are fully incorporated in the locomotives. I will also discuss the production programme with the builders to see how we can best plan the production to meet a realistic timetable.
Spare Wheels Sets
We have had several requests for wheels and we will try to incorporate the requests in the wheel production programme. If anyone else wants wheels, please remember that there may not be much time left to secure additional wheels for the 45XX/4575 and 70XX.
If you are interested in in the supply of complete wheel sets please contact me with your requirements.
Pre-owned Masterpiece Models
At present we still have available one Masterpiece Models Duchess (non streamlined) in LMS livery and an early GWR livery Star. Both models are in O gauge finescale. If anyone is interested in acquiring these models, which are in superb A1 condition, please contact me for further information.
Future Locomotive Programmes
I plan to discuss the A3 and 57XX Pannier locomotives with the builders for the 2017 Programme. Work on the Pannier is already at an advanced stage. So production of this model could proceed quickly.
Class 52 D1000 Western Diesel-Hydraulic
We have had an amazingly positive response from a large number of people for this locomotive. I will discuss it in detail with the builders to determine a realistic retail price and to see if we can proceed with it in 2017. If it is commercially viable we will build it to exceptional standards with great attention to producing exact accurate wheels and full detail.
I will be in Korea from 26 April and back in the UK on 5 May. While there I will try to respond to your requests and enquiries, as best I can, but please do bear in mind that I will be working 12 to 15 hour days while out there.
Future Shows
Just to let you know that we will be exhibiting at the ALSRM show at Reading on Saturday 7th May and also at the Doncaster O Gauge Summer Show on Saturday 4th June. I very much hope to make acquaintance of as many of you as possible at these shows, so do please come and visit us on our stand at both events.
John Borkowski
25 April 2016