Update 18 December 2023
Guildford Show Saturday December 2nd 2023
This is a late notice to thank all of you braved the cold and the M25 Junction 10 difficulties associated with getting to and being at the Guildford Show. The footfall seemed markedly less even than last year when the date clashed with the Warley Model Club show at the Birmingham NEC. Our stand was cold all day and the only occasion that I warmed up was in the afternoon in the Cafeteria upstairs. Still, it was very nice to see those of you who were able to come to the stand. We had a large display of locomotives including some second-hand ones in A1 condition. If you are in need of an A3 or A4 or Duchess please let me know.
If you are a Mr Martin Breakspear who called in late in the day on our stand, would you please contact me on 01737 242073 or 07484 617692 or email me on the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. THANK YOU.
Weloe Rolling Roads
We have run out of Scale 7 rolling roads and we apologise to customers who are waiting for delivery. We have ordered more S7 and O gauge rolling roads from Germany which hopefully will come in January. We still have some O gauge rolling roads in stock available for immediate delivery.
Having suffered all year from the effects Long Covid, last week, somehow, I managed to catch the latest version of the virus. I still have it now, so the deliveries I had planned to make last week and the beginning of this week have had to be postponed. I still hope to come out of quarantine at least towards the end of this week. If this is successful, I will try to make some deliveries on Friday (22 Dec.) and Saturday (23 Dec.).
I hope that you are all busy enjoying this Advent Season preparing for and building up to the Christmas and New Year holiday period. We in the South East have had a few dry days and some occasional sunshine to lift our spirits. In spite of coping with Covid I have managed to find a few minutes of spare time to work quietly on converting a few O gauge wagons to Scale 7. My main interest has been in tank wagons of which there are very good examples available in both kit and ready-to-run form. Is anyone (manufacturer) willing to make a high quality 100 ton bogie tank wagon? Railway modelling can be quite therapeutic, especially when one has Covid!
John Borkowski/17 December 2023