Exceptional museum quality model locomotives for modellers, enthusiasts and collectors

  • LBSC Atlantic slider
  • MOY slider
  • 7023 Swindon
  • 2818 4 slider
  • 7911 7924 slider
  • 4534 front
  • 4523 1
  • 5510 rear
  • 4992 1 slider
  • 850 slider 1
  • 7001 5
  • 2818 1 slider
  • 5545 Welch
  • 7036 slider
  • L94 Slider
  • L94 Slider 2
  • 6819 slider
  • 4702 slider
  • 2187 1
  • 7007 1
  • 4088 1
  • 4551 2
  • 2163 slider
  • 7027 4
  • D1048 slider
  • 4551 4
  • 7001 1
  • 45XX cab
  • 7027 3
  • 5510 front
  • 70023 slider

LMS FrontPage

Rebuilt LMS Patriots, Royal Scots and Jubilees
Available engines now listed. View and reserve HERE

H1 Atlantic 1

LBSCR and GNR 'Atlantic' 4-4-2s

Western cabs front page

Click HERE to view a galery of photographs.

73100 teaser UPDATED

BR Standard Class 5 4-6-0

We are pleased to announce that we will build the useful and almost universal BR Standard Class 5 4-6-0 in all its versions with all the various tenders. Plans are well advanced for production and you can now make a reservation HERE.

3 2544

LNER/BR A1/A3 Pacifics

Click HERE to have your say on which versions, boiler types and tender types you would like us to make.


Models for sale


Coming soon


Gallery of past models